$3.00 Can of Beans
Yesterday Angela and I were at a grocery store buying some stuff to make dinner together and I saw their Mexican section had just been stocked and took a stroll to see what they offer now. You browse a lot when grocery shopping here because products change on a regular basis.
You can't get refried beans in this country - you have to use sugar beans, blend them and add taco seasoning and they still come out a little runny. They don't taste too bad though. Well yesterday they had Refreid Beans. I picked up a few cans to have on stock and then looked the price and walked away with 1 to try. The can of beans cost $3.00. That is a bit extreme when you go to Casa Fiesta's website and they sell them for $1.00. 200% mark-up. No thanks!
I choose to eat Mexican food in America, not South Africa. How many other countries can I mention?
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