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The Purposed Trek

Keep me safe, O God, I've run for dear life to you. I say to God, "Be my Lord!" Without you, nothing makes sense.

What to post?

So I have been pondering on what to post after my last one. Kind of hard to follow the last one when that came so easily to me. It has been over a month and I can't believe it.

I don't have much to post at this point, other than life is gonna get hectic soon and it is a good hectic. Our volunteer is arriving this Sunday and I am so excited to have her with us. Then it is training for 2 weeks, then teams for 4, then an outreach in another town, then debriefing and then it is time for me to wrap things up. Our volunteer leaves on August 16th and then I have a week to wrap things up at work and home.

As of right now I will be flying out on September 24th arriving in DC on the 25th. Not sure of all my plans at this point, but I have some ideas flowing around in my head. A lot of things depend on job leads, etc. which is a little soon to search out. But a definite is a month or so in Boston with my friends Heather and Josh and the kids to assist with Baby #4 due in October.

That's a wrap for now - sorry it is such a boring post, but it is what it is. For a more exciting post see Angela's site on our outing the other night.

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