A Little More Phleg in My Life
Many people have been asking me what I have learned during my time in South Africa, what areas I have grown in, etc. since they know I will be departing come September. I share with them some basic things and some more deep things depending no the setting and/or person I am speaking with.
Yesterday I was researching different personality and gifting tests online that we can do with our short-term staff that will be coming in June. I decided to take the personality test since it had been a while since I had taken it last.
Previous Results (in order): Choleric (58%), Melancholy (40%), Phlegmatic (2%), Sanguine (0%) Those are rough percentages, but it will show the change in me.
Current Results (in order): Melancholy (38%), Choleric (34%), Phlegmatic (28%), Sanguine (0%)
So the biggest change for me was a whole lot of phleg in my life and much less choleric. I am a little bit more rounded out, just need to work on those life of the party, center of attention, skills. Not sure what type of a situation would work those in me, but we shall see.
If you are interested in taking the personality test or want to learn more about it visit http://www.oneishy.com/.
I love taking the personality test and talking about it too.. recently took it again.. years ago I was sanguine, melancholy, choleric and no phleg. but really hi on San and mel.
Now. i am
Melancholy (a lot of this) and choleric and sanguine (very close here but choleric was higher) and some phleg showed up too.
I think it's interesting but when I was reading the book that tim Lahaye wrote about the temperments.. I realized I am more mel than anything else. lol
love you!
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